Gluten-Free Flaxseed Buns in 30 minutes

Gluten-Free Flaxseed Buns in 30 minutes

Yes, it’s 30 minutes baking includes. Ok, maximum 35-40 if you making bigger size buns and needs a longer baking time. I’m a huge fan of homebaked goods. I like to know what is in there, also I love the process. I tried this bun 

Bread with Caramelized Onion

Bread with Caramelized Onion

Today is my day off what else I can do other than baking my bread. It’s a kind of meditation. I start to make some coffee and while the coffee jar is getting full I’m starting to prepare.  My original plan was to use my 

Whole Wheat Bagel Step by Step

Whole Wheat Bagel Step by Step

I found in a library this amazing book calls Whole Grain Bread by Peter Reinhart’s. I think it’s an amazing book because tells and illustrate all the steps that you need to do.  The dough is 100% whole wheat and organic. What you need is water,